Saturday, September 21, 2013

Iroquois Legends Of Jesus Christ

Iroquois Legends Of Jesus Christ

         In a small work entitled "Ancient History of the Six  Nations," written by David Cusick, an educated Indian of the Tuscarora village, frequent mention is made of the actual presence among them, of Tarenyawagua, or Holder of the Heavens who guided and directed them when present, and left rules for their government, during his absence. Several miracles performed by him are particularly mentioned. It likewise speaks of the occasional visits of Angels or 'agents of the Superior power' as they     are called by Cusick; and tells of a visitor who came among the Tuscaroras long anterior to the discovery of America by Columbus. "He appeared to be a very old man, taught them many things, and infoarmed them that the people beyond the great water had killed their Maker, but that he rose again.    The old man died among them and they buried him--soon after some person went to the grave and      found that he had risen; he was never heard of afterwards."